Exhibition at Ruhr Museum auf Zollverein, Essen, Germany duration: 31.03. - 06.01.2013 space: ~ 1000 m² »superimposition blur« as a design metaphor. The main thread through the exhibition design is to decipher the puzzle picture of the „Krupp myth“. The spatial frame is given by the coal washing plant on the 12-meter level, former material storage which is now redesignated to be the „memory“ of the Ruhr area. The exhibition space is structured by a central installation of rectangular solids. This "field of force" of different-sized cuboids enables a free play of its horizontal and vertical arrangements. By material and impression the white components opposing an enlightening brightness to the former rather dark ambience of the space. As an allegory for the mechanization of writing, Generika a technical appearing Monospace Type is used as exhibition font. concept, design, planning: suedstudio with hgmerz — www.suedstudio.de graphics concept: CLMNZ / Clemens Hartmann, Karlsruhe — www.clmnz.de red dot award: communication design 2012